tapas consulting customizes our products and services to meet the individual needs of our clients.


Understanding the value you bring to the marketplace is a critical factor in determining a strategy for success. Let us help you develop a brand that recognizes your strengths and elevates the benefit of your products and services.


Launching an annual event helps build relationships with donors and key stakeholders. For more than 10 years, we’ve been working with clients to help plan and implement successful outreach events that meet strategic goals for fundraising, community engagement and education. We focus on quality programming, relationship-building and creativity in uniting your organization’s mission with the diverse interests of attendees to deliver an entertaining, empowering, and fulfilling event.


Today’s marketplace requires the ability to pivot and meet clients wherever they are located. Consistent digital engagement, as well as hosting hybrid in-person and virtual experiences can be a challenge for some organizations. Our team can help forge dynamic connections across multiple platforms for success, with both internal and external communications targeting critical stakeholders and prospective clients.